
Why choose online doctoral studies?

Deciding on a certain study program is one of those big decisions, which supposes responsibility and attention. The studies mean great efforts, economics, and time. So it is not a decision to be taken lightly.

For a few years now, online study options have been a very attractive alternative, but without a doubt, after the pandemic, our lives changed. And we begin to understand new possibilities and many things that in past situations we considered impossible to do remotely, are now part of our daily lives, and perhaps the most standard example is teleworking.

In 2019, companies, especially the more traditional ones, were unlikely to allow their employees to work from home, holding important meetings remotely.

Today, we could already say post-pandemic, our way of relating has changed, and we have shown that remote assistance has great benefits.

In fact, we can assure you that studying online is a trend that has come to change our lives because its opportunities are endless. Just to name a few:

1.- Allows conciliation, managing your time
2.- In addition to the Doctorate, you acquire knowledge of information networks
3.- There is a greater offer of programs
4.- You can do it at your own pace, while not abandoning the labor field
5.- The economic impact is less

Today, 40% of students say they like online doctoral programs better because they are effective and convenient, allowing students to balance the demands of their professional and personal lives well.

One of the great advantages of an online Doctorate is that it is a solid and safe investment for your future in the medium term because for sure it means salary improvements. In fact, according to statistics, when you get the title, promotion increases within the same company usually amount to around 3% of your salary. A person who changes jobs can expect a salary increase of between 10% and 20%.

Definitely, investing in studies is a safe bet, because it brings not only economic advantages but also health and well-being by giving you a purpose to improve. So if you're considering getting a doctorate, researching online study options, which have more extensive offerings every day, will be very helpful.