
The Powerful Impact of a PhD on Career Prospects

In the increasingly competitive global job market, education remains a pivotal asset, often dictating the trajectory of one’s career. However, not all degrees wield the same influence. A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) stands out, notably enhancing job prospects and opening doors to opportunities far beyond the reach of typical graduate degrees. Below, we delve into the tangible benefits of holding a PhD and how it significantly alters employment prospects across various sectors. 1. Superior Employment Rates It is well-documented that individuals possessing a doctoral degree boast some of the highest employment rates among all educational groups. According to a recent report from the National Science Foundation, the unemployment rate for those with a PhD is around 2%, starkly lower than the national average. This statistic not only underscores the demand for PhD holders but also highlights their resilience in the face of economic fluctuations. The specialized knowledge and skills acquired through doctoral studies make these individuals invaluable, particularly in industries driven by expertise and innovation.

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Building Hard and Soft Skills During Your Doctorate: A Dual Path to Success

As doctoral and postdoctoral scholars, your journey is often characterized by deep dives into specialized knowledge and technical proficiencies. However, a well-rounded approach to your development—one that includes both hard and soft skills—can significantly enhance both your academic performance and your future career prospects. A recent LinkedIn article, "Why It’s Important to Build Hard and Soft Skills During Your Doctorate Career," brings this issue to light, emphasizing the necessity of developing a balanced skill set in today's dynamic and diverse professional environment. The In-Demand Balance of Hard and Soft Skills In 2024, the market demand is not just for experts in niche areas but also for those who can manage, lead, communicate, and collaborate effectively. Skills such as analytics, research, and problem-solving are classified as hard skills and are fundamental in academia and beyond. These are the skills that allow you to create new knowledge, handle complex data, and develop innovative solutions.

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Getting Hooked on Your Doctorate Lessons from Duolingo’s Approach to Engaging Learning

Embarking on a doctoral or postdoctoral journey is a commitment of time, effort, and intellectual energy. Staying motivated throughout this academic pursuit can be challenging, yet, essential. Interestingly, strategies from unexpected sources—like language learning apps—might just offer some valuable lessons in maintaining engagement. Inspired by Duolingo's approach, here’s how doctoral students can use similar tactics to stay hooked and passionate about their studies. 1. Maintain Consistent Progress with "Streaks" One compelling technique from Duolingo is the use of "streaks"—tracking consecutive days of app usage to encourage daily engagement. For doctoral students, maintaining a "study streak" could similarly enhance motivation. Setting up a calendar where you mark each day you work on your research or any doctoral activity can create a visual representation of your dedication. The fear of breaking this streak can spur you to engage with your work daily, maintaining momentum in your research.

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Top Reasons to Pursue a Doctorate Today & How to Find the Best Online PhD Programs

In the ever-evolving landscape of higher education and professional advancement, pursuing a doctorate has become increasingly vital. Not only does it significantly enhance your expertise and credibility, but it also equips you with the tools necessary to make substantial contributions to your field. As you consider this significant step, understanding why a PhD can be a game changer and knowing how to choose the right program is crucial. Here are the top three reasons to pursue a doctorate today and five hacks to help you find the best online PhD programs. Why Pursue a Doctorate? 1. Expertise and Authority Earning a doctorate is not merely about gaining additional knowledge; it's about becoming an authority in your area of interest. This level of academic achievement allows you to contribute to your field's body of knowledge through original research that can lead to new insights and theories. For many, this is the ultimate professional fulfillment—impacting the industry and potentially shaping its future.

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The Power of Showcasing Your Academic Skills Beyond the CV

In a world where digital footprints are as critical as real-life steps, showcasing your skills on platforms like LinkedIn isn't just a recommendation; it's essential for career advancement. As researchers and scholars entrenched in doctorate and postdoctoral studies, our journey is steeped in acquiring knowledge, honing skills, and contributing novel insights to our fields. But what happens when these skills remain hidden, known only to us and perhaps a select few in academia? This brings to mind the insightful observation shared in a LinkedIn article, emphasizing the paramount importance of listing skills on your LinkedIn profile, but let's widen the lens to encompass our academic and professional careers at large. A recent LinkedIn article emphasizes the primary importance of listing skills in your professional profile, and in this article, we want to cover the importance of how showing your academic skills will open interesting professional doors for you.

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Top Strategies for Selecting the Ideal Online Doctoral Program

Embarking on the journey to pursue a doctoral degree online comes with its set of challenges and decisions. With an abundance of programs flooding the digital space, how do you sift through to find the perfect fit for your academic and career aspirations? Fear not, for we've compiled a comprehensive guide to assist you in this critical decision-making process. Here are top strategies to guide you in choosing an online Ph.D. program that not only meets but exceeds your expectations. 1. Pinpoint Your Academic Passions and Objectives The first step in your quest for the right online doctoral program is introspection. Reflect deeply on your academic interests and the professional path you envision for yourself. What topics ignite your curiosity? Which questions are you eager to answer through your research? Identifying your passions and objectives will act as a beacon, guiding you toward programs that resonate with your academic desires and future ambitions.

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How to Have a More Productive Year in Your Doctorate Program

Embarking on a PhD program is an ambitious and exciting journey, one that promises to not only expand your knowledge and skills, but also transform you into an expert in your field. However, with great ambition comes great responsibility, and maximizing productivity throughout your doctoral studies is crucial to achieving your goals. Therefore, it is important to focus on strategies to improve productivity and make the most of the wealth of resources available, especially the online offerings that have revolutionized learning. Set Clear, Achievable Goals The foundation of a productive year is built on clear, achievable goals. Start by setting both long-term objectives for the year and short-term goals for each month or semester. Remember, specificity is key; rather than aiming to "work harder," set goals like "complete literature review by March" or "publish one article per semester."

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Leveraging Soft Skills for Success in Your Doctorate or Postdoctorate Journey

In the pursuit of a doctorate or postdoctorate degree, much emphasis is placed on acquiring technical knowledge and expertise in a specific field. However, what often goes overlooked are the soft skills that are equally crucial for success in the labor market. These soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and adaptability, play a significant role in differentiating candidates and enhancing their prospects in the competitive job market. Why Soft Skills Matter Soft skills are essential in various aspects of academic and professional life. For instance, effective communication skills are vital for presenting research findings, collaborating with peers, and networking with professionals in the field. Likewise, strong teamwork skills enable individuals to work collaboratively on research projects and contribute effectively to team objectives.

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How to prepare for a PhD?

Pursuing a Ph.D. is a significant milestone in one's academic and professional journey, but it's not without its challenges. In this blog post, we'll explore three common pitfalls that Ph.D. applicants often encounter and provide expert tips on how to overcome them like a pro. From application strategies to navigating the academic landscape, we've got you covered. Pitfall #1 - Lack of Research Preparation One of the biggest pitfalls for Ph.D. applicants is a lack of preparation for research. Many students underestimate the level of commitment and rigor required for doctoral-level research, leading to difficulties in finding a suitable research topic, formulating research questions, and conducting literature reviews. To dodge this pitfall, it's essential to start preparing for research early in your academic journey. Take advantage of undergraduate research opportunities, engage with faculty mentors, and familiarize yourself with research methodologies relevant to your field.

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Ultimate Guide to Integrating Artificial Intelligence into PhD and Post-PhD Studies

In the digital era we live in, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an invaluable tool for academic research. For PhD and postdoctoral students, incorporating AI into their research can open new doors and take their work to the next level. In this guide, we will explore how students can begin to use AI in their research, from understanding the basics to applying advanced tools and techniques. Discover how AI can empower your research and bring you closer to achieving your academic and professional goals. Benefits of Using Artificial Intelligence in Research: AI offers a range of benefits for researchers, including: 1. Advanced Data Analysis: AI can process large volumes of data quickly and efficiently, identifying patterns and trends that may go unnoticed by the human eye. 2. Automation of Repetitive Tasks: With AI, researchers can automate tedious tasks such as data classification, allowing them to focus on more creative aspects of their research. 3. Accurate Predictions: By using machine learning algorithms, AI can make accurate predictions about future outcomes, which can be invaluable for research planning and decision-making.

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The Most In-Demand Skills for 2024: Implications for Doctoral Education

As organizations come to grasp the full extent of what AI can do, they’re also coming to terms with all that it can’t do — those tasks that require the uniquely human skills that all businesses need. That’s the resounding takeaway from LinkedIn’s latest global inventory of the most in-demand skills for professionals. "People skills are going to come more to the center of individual career growth," predicts LinkedIn VP Aneesh Raman, "and people-to-people collaboration is going to come into the center more for company growth. For leaders, you’ve got to start with communicating clearly, compassionately, and empathetically with your teams." Talent development professionals and executives can help employees stay agile in this new world of work by continuing to help employees build mission-critical soft skills. A recent LinkedIn survey found that 9 out of 10 global executives agree that soft skills (aka “human” or “durable” skills) are more important than ever. So, it’s not surprising that communication ranks No. 1 on the 2024 list of overall most in-demand skills.

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The Value of Embarking on a Doctoral Journey

In an era where the landscape of education continuously evolves, and the pursuit of excellence becomes more intricate, the decision to embark on a doctoral journey represents a profound commitment to personal and professional growth. This exploration seeks to uncover the layered benefits of pursuing a doctorate, offering a fresh perspective on why this academic endeavor might be the right choice for aspiring scholars and professionals alike. Have you ever wondered why a PhD could be your next Great Leap? 1. Deep Diving Beyond Mastery: While a doctorate traditionally symbolizes the pinnacle of understanding in one's field, its essence extends far beyond. It's about pioneering the unknown, challenging conventional wisdom, and venturing where no research has gone before. This journey transforms you into not just a master, but a trailblazer who sets new directions for future explorations.

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The Job Market for Ph.D. Graduates in 2024 Opportunities and Trends

The job market for Ph.D. graduates is ever-evolving, shaped by a multitude of factors, including economic conditions, technological advancements, and societal changes. This 2024, it's crucial to explore the current landscape for Ph.D. holders and gain insights into the opportunities and trends that await them. In this article, we will share the most outstanding trends of the moment: Growing Demand for Expertise: Ph.D. graduates continue to be in high demand across various industries. Their specialized knowledge and research skills make them valuable assets in technology, healthcare, finance, and academia. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, job opportunities for Ph.D. holders are projected to grow by 12% from 2022 to 2032, a rate faster than the average for all occupations.

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Exploring the Top Education Trends for 2025 and Their Implications for PhD Programs

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, staying ahead of the curve is crucial, especially for those pursuing doctoral or postdoctoral degrees. As a dedicated resource for prospective doctorate and postdoctorate students, we're here to guide you through the top education trends expected to shape the academic landscape until 2025 and how they can be applied to your PhD journey. 1. Online Learning Evolution Online education has witnessed unprecedented growth, and by 2025, it's projected to become an integral part of higher education. This trend opens up a world of possibilities for PhD candidates. The flexibility of online learning allows you to pursue your doctorate from anywhere in the world, breaking down geographical barriers and offering access to top-notch programs.

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Are you ready for a PhD in psychology?

Embarking on the journey to a Ph.D. in Psychology is a monumental step in anyone's academic and professional career. This pursuit is often filled with excitement, curiosity, and a drive to contribute to our understanding of human behavior and mental processes. However, it also comes with a range of questions and considerations that potential candidates should explore before making the commitment. In this post, we give you a complete guide to knowing if a doctorate in psychology is your path. The most common questions before starting a Doctorate in Psychology

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Five Reasons to Pursue an Online Doctorate

In the intricate tapestry of today's global economy, the field of economics holds a pivotal role in shaping the policies and structures that govern our world. A doctorate in economics is not just a testament to one's dedication to the field; it is a beacon of expertise that can open doors to influential roles in academia, policy-making, and the corporate world. With the advent of online education, pursuing a Ph.D. in economics has never been more accessible. Here, we explore five compelling reasons why you should consider enrolling in an online Doctoral degree in economics.

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Nurturing Mental Health Amidst the Waves of a Ph.D. Journey

In the echoing chambers of academia, where thoughts burgeon and theories proliferate, it’s paramount to pause and acknowledge a silent undercurrent - the mental health of our scholarly navigators. This Mental Health Month, we cast a light on the often-overlooked aspect of pursuing a doctoral degree, offering a safe harbor for our community to discuss, understand, and navigate through the intricacies of mental well-being in the vast ocean of Ph.D. pursuits. Embarking on a doctoral journey invites you to traverse through uncharted waters of research and discovery, an expedition that is exhilarating yet, at times, stormy. The fluctuating tides of progress, setbacks, and unyielding expectations can burgeon into a significant mental toll. In the U.S., graduate students are six times more likely to experience depression and anxiety compared to the general population, indicating the pressing need to address mental health proactively.

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Aligning Doctoral Pursuits with 2024’s Predominant Business Trends

Inspired by a fabulous article from Forbes magazine, titled “The 10 Biggest Business Trends For 2024 Everyone Must Be Ready For Now”, in this publication, we want to delve deeper into how to align doctoral or postdoctoral studies with the emerging business trends of 2024 can pave the way for unparalleled personal and professional growth. Taking advantage The business landscape is constantly evolving, shaped by technological advancements, economic shifts, and societal changes. Embracing the upcoming business trends of 2024 is pivotal in staying relevant and competitive in this dynamic environment. Let's see what scenarios await us in the near future, not to mention that it is already present:

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Leveraging AI to Supercharge Your Postdoctoral Journey

Today, we approach a topic that is shaping all industries, including academia: Artificial Intelligence (AI). Let's explore how AI can be a game-changer for your postdoctoral studies. Let's the numbers speak According to a study conducted by Gallup, professionals' fear of becoming obsolete and being replaced by some technological solution has grown more in the last two years than at any other time since 2017. Specifically, 22% of those surveyed say they are worried that technology makes their work obsolete, which is 7 percentage points more than in 2021. On previous occasions, the figure had varied between 13% and 17%, as indicated by the company. Artificial intelligence is giving way to the FOBO (Fear of Becoming Obsolete) phenomenon.

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How to be a Talented Leader with a Ph.D.

At a time when many people are afraid of becoming obsolete and being replaced by Artificial Intelligence, seeking to differentiate yourself and add value as a human being really takes on vital importance. And, at this point, developing your maximum capabilities can be the big difference between standing out or being overshadowed by the average. With this in mind, in this article, we want to dive into the fascinating topic of leadership and how a Ph.D. can offer you an incredible advantage in becoming a talented leader in your field. You might be wondering why would a Ph.D. be crucial or helpful in shaping one as a leader? As it turns out, leadership isn't only about making decisions; it's about offering new perspectives and creating paradigms. A Ph.D. equips you with critical thinking skills, an in-depth understanding of your subject, and the tenacity to tackle complex problems. In fact, 82% of Ph.D. holders believe that their degree has significantly improved their leadership skills.

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Beyond Academia: How a Ph.D. Transforms Your Life

Entering a Ph.D. program isn't merely an extension of your academic endeavors; it's a profound commitment to individual transformation. You're not just developing expertise in a specific field; you're cultivating a deep understanding of who you are and what you stand for. A project full of Passion A Ph.D. is the perfect excuse for curious minds, giving them the license to delve deeper into topics that excite their intellectual curiosity. With the autonomy to focus on original research, adding new perspectives to the chosen field and, in essence, creating new paths for future researchers.

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How to Avoid Pitfalls and Choose a Reliable Institution for Your Doctorate Program

In today's fast-paced digital world, online education has become a popular avenue for individuals seeking to further their education and career prospects. However, not all online degree programs are created equal, and it's crucial to be vigilant and discerning when considering such options. In this article, we'll delve into five warning signs that an online program might be a scam, referring to the article posted by on the warning signs that an online program is a scam. What signs can be alerts to a possible educational scam?

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Promoting well-being and personal goals through the Doctorate

Embarking on a Ph.D. journey is a remarkable pursuit that fosters intellectual growth and contributes to academic advancement. However, the rigorous demands of doctoral studies can sometimes lead to neglecting personal well-being and life outside of academia. In this blog post, we will delve into the critical importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance during Ph.D. studies. We will explore strategies for managing stress, staying motivated, and nurturing personal goals while pursuing academic excellence. Let's discover how a harmonious life balance can enhance overall well-being and academic success.

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The doctoral thesis as a legacy for the world

The doctoral thesis is the end result of years of research in a specific field. However, there is often resistance to embarking on this educational process due to the work and commitment it requires. If you find yourself in this paradox, we recommend asking yourself a simple question: Why are you doing or want to do a Ph.D.? What is your goal? Definitely, the answer to the previous question, your purpose, will be the force that allows you to achieve all your objectives, including the doctoral thesis, where the years of study and research of your program are reflected.

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How to Resume Your Doctorate After a Break: Achieving Personal Goals

Returning to your doctorate after taking a break can be an exciting and challenging endeavor. Whether you took a break to pursue other opportunities, attend to personal commitments, or simply recharge, resuming your Ph.D. requires careful planning and a focused mindset. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of pursuing and studying a Ph.D., while providing creative and informative strategies for resuming your doctoral journey and achieving your personal goals. 1.- Clarify Your Goals: Before diving back into your research, take a step back and clarify your goals. Start by looking at the big picture and then break it down into shorter time segments. Ask yourself what you want to accomplish in the next six months, three months, and even the next month. By setting measurable goals, you avoid feeling overwhelmed and gain a sense of progress.

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Unleashing the Power of Knowledge: How a Ph.D. Can Transform Your Career Path

In today's fast-paced and competitive world, gaining advanced knowledge and experience has become crucial to career success. How can a Ph.D. program help you in this? A Ph.D. program offers a unique opportunity to delve deeper into a specific field of study, allowing individuals to make significant contributions to their chosen domain. In addition, it allows you to unlock new career opportunities and personal growth.

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Five Unique Interview Ideas to Achieve Your Professional Goals

In the pursuit of a doctorate or postdoctorate degree, interviews play a crucial role in determining your path toward professional growth and success. As a prospective candidate, it's important to approach interviews creatively and thoughtfully, showcasing your unique qualities and aligning your goals with the program you aspire to join. Most of the time, interviews follow a predictable pattern... What is your greatest strength? Name a moment when you faced a challenge at work. What are your weaknesses?

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Five Hacks to Enhance Networking for Ph.D. and Postdoctoral Prospects

Networking plays a crucial role in the academic and professional success of Ph.D. and postdoctoral scholars. In this blog post, we will explore five effective hacks to help doctoral and postdoctoral students get hold of networking opportunities. These tips will undoubtedly help you to foster and strengthen the bond with colleagues and related actors in your field: Join Professional Associations and Conferences: Participating in professional associations and conferences is an excellent way to expand your network. These platforms provide opportunities to connect with fellow researchers, scholars, and industry professionals who share similar interests.

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Revealing the romance: why you should have an affair with your PhD

In the academic world, pursuing a Ph.D. is often seen as a serious and intense commitment. However, what if we told you that your doctoral journey could be an adventure, an exciting and transformative relationship with profound personal and professional implications? In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of having an affair with your Ph.D. while you're studying. A Ph.D. program is an invitation to embark on a romantic adventure, a love affair with knowledge and scholarship. It's a rare chance to delve into a topic of your choosing, exploring its intricacies and unraveling its mysteries. Just like in a romantic adventure, the more you invest your time and passion, the more rewarding and fulfilling the journey becomes.

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Doing the Ph.D. productive and enjoyable tips and strategies

Meetings represent 39% of total work time, so it is important to seek to deepen and learn how to make meetings more effective. As a Ph.D. student, meetings are necessary for the progress and collaboration of your work, so it is imperative to get the most out of them. To achieve successful meetings we recommend you follow the following steps: Prepare the Purpose of the meeting: Preparation is the key to success. Before attending a meeting, take the time to review relevant materials. Come prepared with specific goals and objectives in mind, making sure you have a clear understanding of the purpose and agenda of the meeting.

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How to Choose an Online Ph.D. or Postdoc Program, that it is worth it

If you are looking for an online doctoral or postdoctoral program, it is very important that you evaluate the quality of the institution. After the pandemic, the distance academic offer became widespread, opening up very good opportunities, but also to other institutions that do not have the support, experience, and professionalism of facilitating distance educational programs. Distance education is the decision that best suits the hectic pace of everyday life, being the correct answer for those who want to continue their education without stopping their professional career or moving away from their family.

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Five essential tips if you are studying for a Ph.D.

The Ph.D. is like a marathon, where you have to maintain the pace to achieve the proposed objectives, here the issue is not speed, but rather maintaining perseverance in order to reach the goal. When you don't work at a harmonious pace, suddenly, the student is overwhelmed by deadlines and deliveries, then fatigue and frustration can take over the mood, stalking the desire not to continue. Seeking to avoid these scenarios, we want to share 9 very useful, focused, and simple tips that can serve as a mantra if you are pursuing a Ph.D. or planning to do so:

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Turn your skills into opportunities

Learning is in the nature of the human being. It is part of their identity stamp as a species. For this reason, the commitment capacity of an employee is closely linked to opportunities for learning and growth. This is reinforced by a study carried out by Glint, which states that employee engagement and company culture show that the main driver of an exceptional work environment is now "opportunities to learn and grow". This is how learning becomes a key piece in those institutions that seek to get the best out of their collaborators. A finding of the same study is that currently, the profiles seek more personalized learning, behind is homogeneous learning, which does not take into account the student's background and professional experience.

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Data management: A skill in great demand among high-level professionals

A society like the one we live in, full of information and data, constantly needs to be decoded, hence the importance of knowing how to manage data in the professional environment, since this analysis saves organizations a lot of time and money. Due to the aforementioned, among the skills with the most demand, today is data management, which allows professionals to decant the raw information received, process it, and convert it into useful and classified information, being able to use it strategically.

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Actions that will boost your leadership

Being a leader entails great responsibility since its main function is to keep the team motivated and in a good working environment, thus optimally achieving the proposed objectives. All of us who have managed teams know that this may seem very easy in concept, but in practice, there are many obstacles that arise with the work team and collaborators, which must be assumed and overcome on a day-to-day basis. Personal situations, team communication, falling into the comfort zone, and lack of motivation are usually the most common causes that a leader must deal with. Therefore, having a proactive strategy that allows you to keep the energy of the team balanced will help you overcome these day-to-day obstacles.

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Leadership and Ph.D.

Leadership is one of those personality traits that definitely makes you stand out from the rest. People who inspire and motivate, with a clear and ambitious vision for the future, this is how we could define a leader. If we delve into the concept of leadership, we could say that they are the behaviors that an individual demonstrates when managing to guide and motivate teams, through their words and actions. A professional who decides to go for high-level studies, such as a doctoral or postdoctoral, surely has deep-rooted leadership among his personality characteristics, which allows him to stand out, above all, in the following skills:

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Know the Benefits of Microlearning

With such a busy life, among so many personal and professional occupations, it is difficult to find time to dedicate to cultivating learning, either learning new skills or reinforcing those already acquired. Understanding this, the trend of microlearning has taken great value in recent years, as it allows people to find small spaces of time to focus on acquiring new skills. Seeking to define microlearning, we could say that it consists of dividing the syllabus into small fragments, in this way students will be able to advance in their program more successfully, spending short periods of time, acquiring specific and actionable information that can be easily consumed and applied quickly.

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How to prepare for a doctoral/postdoctoral interview?

Looking for a job is a job and this also applies to those people who are looking for their doctoral and postdoctoral projects, since just like when you are actively looking for a job, looking for a thesis tutor or internship is a process that can be become an intense experience, where the interviews are decisive due to the high expectations of both parties. Therefore, preparing for an interview is essential, in order to get the most out of this experience and shine. How to prepare for an interview?

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The Most In-Demand Skills for Recruiters in 2023

If you are a person who constantly seeks your personal evolution and how to be at the forefront of the labor market, today we share some of the most sought after skills in 2023 in recruiters. Although these skills are the most in demand in personnel recruiters, this information will be very useful if you are looking to learn new skills or strengthen those already acquired, whatever your professional field. Why? Because a comprehensive professional profile must know how to manage all the neuralgic areas of an organization with total comfort and autonomy, for this, knowledge is the key. If you are currently pursuing a doctorate or postdoctoral program with a flexible program, do not miss the opportunity to choose some material related to these areas.

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Why study a Ph.D. or Post-Doctorate online?

Although it is true that for a long time distance or online education did not enjoy the same popularity as face-to-face education. Thanks to technology and the work of pioneering institutions, this perception has changed, even being currently preferred by many, since it is known to provide improvements to face-to-face study systems. There are so many advantages today in virtuality, that it would be a waste to limit your career and life opportunities, to a geographical area or budget, even more so when it comes to doctoral or postdoctoral study, where the offers tend to be more scarce and limited.

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Five Simple Habits That Will Make You A Successful Leader

Being a leader is an attitude that does not depend so much on university degrees, although education does indeed provide a solid foundation on human management, it is, ultimately, an attitude toward life. Let's start by understanding, what is a leader? A person is considered a leader when he has the ability to direct and motivate a group of individuals toward a common goal. This person has the ability to influence the behavior or way of thinking of his team personnel with the purpose of working for the common good.

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Four tips for working your Professional Personal Brand

Being a recognized professional involves several phases and does not end in obtaining a professional degree or being good in your field, since there is a good cut in working on your professional personal brand, which will help you generate a reputation among your peers, teams of work and, why not, the competition. In this post, we want to provide you with a step-by-step on how to work on a solid personal brand that reflects your skills and is consistent with the professional you you want to project

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Rest as part of the success

Many times we postpone stopping, believing that this will make us more effective, but really nothing is further from reality. You have to plan your breaks, with the same importance with which you plan the big milestones of your projects. Not doing so will bring very unfavorable consequences such as exhaustion and burnout. Frustration, apathy, burnout, and decreased performance are just some of the symptoms that can negatively affect your performance during high stress. It is essential to know about this condition to find solutions and understand that burnout is a disease of modern times that we must avoid.

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Reasons why you should invest in your education

After the boom and numerous digital offers, where flexibility was the order of the day, the slowdown in the labor market is a reality. In addition to the post-covid situation, of which almost 3 years have passed, it continues to dent historic inflation, increased by the Ukraine-Russia war and now the earthquake in Turkey does not stop dealing big blows to the world economy. We know that it is very easy to fall apart in the face of so many negative trends and news, but it is precisely at this point that a person with perspective must look for ways to find opportunities and stand out in their area. With a job market with so many profiles to choose from for corporations, differentiation is the key to alleviating the economic depression.

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Professional Networking Tips for 2023

Based on an interesting article on the Fast Company site, we share with you three strategies that we believe are the most successful in networking and increasing your professional connections to be recognized in your field or industry. Did you know that, according to a study by Marketing Expertus in 2020, only 25% of professionals actually network? If you are looking to stand out in your professional field, here is a plan to start working now and be part of those professionals who use personal networks to their advantage.

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Job positions most in demand today

Our habits have changed and with them the most demanded professions. Although there is a rise in positions that require facing the public, such as salesperson, receptionist, and driver; Regarding the academic professions, we maintain a certain stability compared to last year, since technology continues to be strong and has a great labor demand. According to the professional portal LinkedIn, the jobs with the highest demand today in the technology area are:

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The Amazon Phenomenon and Leadership

Amazon has changed the life and consumption pattern of the planet and this, more than because of the business itself, has been because of its ideology. Nicholas Lovejoy, the fifth person to be hired by Amazon in 1995, said that for a long time, Jeff Bezos personally conducted interviews with applicants to join the firm. “One of his mottos was that every time we hired someone, he or she should raise the bar for the next hire,” he recounted in a 1999 interview with Wired.

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The importance of soft skills today

We are all good at something and the best things in life happen when you have the opportunity to turn those skills that make you unique into your professional allies. According to an article published on the LinkedIn blog, “40% of companies now trust the skills to search and identify job candidates”. So whether you have a good set of skills or are working on them through your studies, we have to tell you, now is your time. In addition, we recommend that you focus on interpersonal skills since these are the ones that will stand out from the rest of the professionals in your field. Recently, “The McKinsey Global Institute recently analyzed the skills employees will need in the future and identified 56 critical skills, 45 of which were soft skills.

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Emotional Management Guide: Surviving the Doctorate

During the doctoral and post-doctoral course, given the great pressure of the process, you usually go through several emotional stages that can affect the student's performance, so it is important to anticipate, to be able to work on them and not get carried away by these situations. Today we want to talk about 3 obstacles that can make your doctoral path very difficult, and how you can have efficient emotional management to survive the pressure of the Doctorate without dying trying. Breathe, because everything has the same solution: Emotional Management.

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Break down the myths, and start a Ph.D. in 2023

A new year begins and with it, a list of new dreams to fulfill. If you have in mind to elevate your professional career and reach the highest rank at an academic level. Do not make more excuses and decide to achieve your dreams. If you really want it, don't delay taking this step any longer with non-existent excuses on the way that do not allow you to achieve your goal. Today, taking advantage of the New Year's resolutions, we want to help you make that decision, breaking down the myths that are usually more common when it comes to taking the plunge.

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Renew or die

We repeat this phrase endlessly. Without thinking that really, if we look back, there have been many times that we have reinvented ourselves to be able to adapt to a world full of challenges. In order to make a better reflection on this topic, we are going to take the story of the Eagles, animals that have an average life of 70 years, but that at 40 years old, find themselves at a crossroads.

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Know the importance of professional updating

Currently, many of the companies and institutions are beginning to face a reality, and it is the crisis of personnel with new skills, especially those related to new technologies. According to McKinsey & Company, 87% of companies have skills gaps now or expect to have them in the next few years. In fact, by 2030, more than 85 million jobs will become vacant due to talent shortages, at a global cost of $8.5 trillion. This is a problem, because the demand for emerging skills in fields like cybersecurity, data, sustainability, and digital transformation will only grow. Yet workers in the United States recently scored just 36 out of 100 on Salesforce's Digital Skills Readiness Index, indicating a widening skills gap.

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3 Ways to Keep You Motivated in Times of Uncertainty

This last year has been very challenging. After culminating in a pandemic that changed our lives, we looked forward to 2022 – which is almost over – with great enthusiasm. But the reality has been quite different: war and inflation worldwide, shortages and supply problems. In addition, to this is added employability that has declined worldwide, which we can see in the following graph, courtesy of Global Talent Trends October 2022.

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What do professionals value after the pandemic?

It is said ad nauseam. We have changed since 2020. We no longer seek the same successes or paths. Professionals today value time and its relationship with money much more than in the past. According to the survey carried out by Talent Drivers, from LinkedIn, among the most critical points at the moment to evaluate a position, we find:

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3 Tips to boost your professional career

No matter where are you right now regarding your professional life. Human beings are always looking to improve themselves, and definitely, the only way to evolve is through knowledge. It doesn't matter if you're just looking to improve your professional status, or want to radically change fields, these tips to boost your career will come in handy. What should you do if you are wanting to improve professionally? 1.- Search for success stories
Search among your family, friends, or people you just know, look for those who can serve as a milestone for you. Interview them and understand their story, professional search, and motivations. It can also be very helpful to watch documentaries or read biographies of people you admire. In this way, you can ensure that success is a decision.

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Manage uncertainty, one of the essential skills in today's profiles

The world of work has had an unprecedented change since the pandemic, but after 2 years, normalcy begins to reign, companies ask their employees to return to their offices, while the most flexible corporations offer mixed options. A recent study conducted by the professional social network, LinkedIn, of more than 2,900 C-level executives from large organizations around the world has identified the 3 skills that stand out in today's leaders. Furthermore, such research also reveals the decline of remote locations. “In the US, before the pandemic, only 2% of jobs on LinkedIn were listed as remote. That number peaked at almost 20% in April 2022 and is now back at 15%. This reflects a trend we are seeing in countries around the world and is a likely sign that remote work has peaked,” according to data from LinkedIn.

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How Social Networks are influencing the labor market

In 2010, it was unthinkable to let a boss or future employer have access to their Social Networks, at that time Facebook and Instagram were par excellence the platforms most used by users. Time has passed, and after a long pandemic season, our way of relating has too. This is how, little by little, not having co-workers or a boss in networks, has evolved to use the networks, due to the communication facilities they offer to carry out daily work. Being Telegram, LinkedIn, Google, and WhatsApp the social tools par excellence and most used by companies.

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Own your journey

We are living in historic moments for the economy and the world. Shortages, wars, pandemics, historical inflation… but among so much uncertainty, we only have 2 certain things that we can take advantage of: Portability. The Internet has changed the way we interact, work and study, giving everyone the possibility and access to achieve their objectives and goals from wherever they are. Our dreams. We are unrepeatable, therefore no one should fail to achieve their goals.

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The 5 professional, flexible, and fastest-growing categories today

Based on an article on the site, we want to share with you the professional fields that are currently booming in growth and that also allow labor flexibility, that is, they do not require 100% presence in a physical location, but offer their candidates the opportunity to work in hybrid or 100% remote models.

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5 reasons why you should consider an online doctorate as your best bet for the future

If you are ready to reach your goals and go for your doctoral degree, but you haven't decided on the best option for you, between attending a traditional university, in person, or studying online, we are going to share several reasons to take into account when choosing, since today, due to its many advantages, the balance is tilted towards online learning. It is true that a few years ago it was challenging to get an employer to validate online studies because the mentality was a little more closed in that aspect, but fortunately, this is a perception of the past. In fact, employers are now impressed by how studying remotely profiles can gain access to universities that were previously simply inaccessible to them, either because of geographic location or cost.

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How to help reduce gender gaps?

The categorical answer is education. The world is committed to reducing gender inequality, in fact, this point is part of the 17 United Nations Goals for 2030. These are some figures about Gender Inequality presented on the UN website:

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Has the way of working changed forever?

After almost 3 years of the start of the pandemic, the way of working has changed. Having a face-to-face job and being physically in an office all day, following a schedule, has become an old model. Not approved by many workers who find the hybrid model the best option.

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4 Tips to Boost Your Career

In a world of constant change, it is normal to rethink if where you are professionally at the moment makes you happy. Perhaps you are looking to achieve your dreams. Looking to change the world where he lives and truly leaves a legacy. If you are in this search, we invite you to evaluate your options and push your work life towards the desired destination.

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The 3 secrets of a good leader

Good leaders are those who are always remembered as great mentors. To whom their teammates, no matter what position they've shared with them, come back for advice. We all have that former boss who has marked our professional career, positively. A good leader must work on these 3 aspects, which allows him to be an excellent modeling role.

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How to prepare yourself for the jobs that will be in demand in 10 years?

We have observed how artificial intelligence systems and machines have been displacing individuals from their employment in recent years. Simply by visiting large retailers like Walmart or Target, to name a few, we can observe how cashiers—those responsible for handling the payment of the purchase—have been replaced by automated checkouts. These systems essentially don't require human interaction from a worker, save for a few limited circumstances.

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Did you know that according to Harvard University do you have the ability to increase your intelligence?

The answer is yes, and it is achieved by following these 7 exercises, which will improve your cognitive capacity and help you improve the connections between neurons, becoming more agile and, in addition, they will be an excellent exercise to fight against aging. According to studies from Harvard University, small habits done consistently have the power to increase our brain capacity. These habits are easy to use and will help you have an always-on mind:

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7 Top Studies Fields for 2023

Considering a Ph.D. or Post-Doc? Don't miss your chance to see how the trends are moving for 2023. Balancing your career while pursuing a PhD is not easy, but it is possible. With the right support system and plan, this academic goal is achievable. Doctoral students learn based on practice and theory through research methods. While earning a doctoral degree, students begin to integrate the practical skills they are learning into their own professional careers, ultimately emerging as leaders within their workplace or field.

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3 Ideas that stop you from doing a Doctorate / Postdoctorate and are completely wrong

Few people have the courage to decide to pursue a doctorate. In actuality, less than 1% of people worldwide hold a Ph.D., according to data. Limiting beliefs may be the cause of this circumstance, which can be discussed with resolve and resolve. If you or someone you know is in this situation, don't hesitate to consider the information we will provide in this article because it will prompt you to consider your chances of realizing your aspirations and offer you the assurance that you can accomplish your individual objectives.

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3 tips to succeed in an interview

Whether it is a job, professional or media interview, you must always be prepared for it, since it represents a unique moment and you must be assertive and convey the key message you want. Generally, when it comes to interviews, there are no second chances to get it right, but if you get the message across correctly, this interview will open many doors for you.

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Acquire new skills, a necessity
in 2022

Being left behind in a world that is advancing by leaps and bounds thanks to technology is not an option. But, according to figures in the World Economic Forum (WEF) Future Jobs Report, skills gaps remain high as the skills in demand in jobs change over the next five years. In this article, we share some highlights from the WEF report that is key to understanding the evolution of companies, employers, and employees: - Top skills employers see as vital for the run-up to 2025 include critical thinking and analysis, problem-solving, and self-management skills such as active learning, resilience, tolerance to stress, and flexibility.

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If you are thinking about doing a doctorate or, in fact, you are already doing it, know that you are a unique person, who has decided to change the world through your intellectual abilities. We all want to leave a legacy in life, in fact, it is said that writing a book, planting a tree, and having children; is the way to leave a mark in this world. But, without a doubt, those who embark on the doctoral adventure, thanks to the unique result of their research, which will support their field, will leave an indisputable dent in society, since it will create an unprecedented study, supported by their research idea. . There is never a small contribution when it comes to contributing to the benefit of our society.

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How to create an effective to-do list?

The organization is the key to success for professionals. Using techniques or strategies that allow you to get to your tasks and cover what is important is definitely the key to obtaining the desired results. For this reason, we want to share with you a very effective key to time management that can surely help you achieve your goals: the task list. What is the best way to use this basic, but very effective, management tool?

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Latest trends in doctorate areas and specializations

If you are thinking of doing a doctorate, this information will come in handy, as it allows you to learn about the different areas and specialties that you can obtain in this degree. Remember, before making your final decision, take some time to reflect on your goals, existing offers, your availability of time and budget and, taking these variables into account, examine the best options you have to achieve your goals.
The areas most in demand today are:
● Education
● Business Administration
● Public health
● Psychology
● Projects management
We detail in each of these areas, the doctoral programs that you can develop:

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Types of leadership, what is yours?

Being a leader requires important preliminary work. You have to be professionally trained to manage teams, but you must also define the type of leadership you want to perform with work groups. Leadership has a large component of personality, but it can be shaped thanks to the experience and skills acquired. So the leader you are today may be different from the one you decide to be in the future. In this article, we will share the main types of leadership, emphasizing their strengths and weaknesses, according to different circumstances.

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Are you ready for success?

Success does not come by chance, you have to work to obtain it and of course, be prepared. If you are clear about your professional goals, do not stop. Rather set yourself up for success with these tips: Keep your knowledge up to date. Gaining new skills will always make you interesting in the job market. New courses, new books, and acquiring new skills demonstrate your dedication to maintaining your competitive edge.

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Tips for cultivating your networks

Today's world is dominated by interpersonal relationships, most of which are digital. As a result, it is important to establish contact with colleagues that allow us to network extensively, whether to learn, share, inspire, find employment, and, ultimately, grow together in interests. To understand the dynamics of people studying for a doctorate, with complicated schedules and limited time, technology is a perfect ally, because it gives us many options to cultivate networks instantly, opening doors to previously unavailable study opportunities, professional challenges, and social networks.

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3 tips for Ph.D. students

A doctorate is a long-term career, so it is critical that you have a strong methodology and discipline while studying. Habit makes perfection, and the same goes for everything in life. In this blog, we want to share three tips that we believe are essential for all those who want to successfully navigate this stage in their professional lives. Of course, in order to achieve your objectives, you must read constantly. Develop a reading habit because it will be one of the primary ways you will feed your mind with new ideas. Devote reading time to Scientific Popularization works that are not just in your field of interest. Stay informed by using Google alerts or newsletters, for example, which allow you to receive information on a regular basis. Fundamentally, set aside a daily or weekly reading time to categorize the information that is of interest to you.

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The importance of communication skills in the Doctorate

The ability to transmit a message is as important for a Doctoral Degree holder as what as he studies or known. The communication and language skills gain strength in order to be able to work on professional leadership. Voice, and non-verbal communication are vital when it comes to addressing others, especially in the academic / work sphere, because to a great extent our credibility and reputation will be assigned thanks to these elements. The way the audience receives the message is greatly influenced by how we transmit it, which is why it is very important to work on assertive communication skills, to make sure. What should we work on to have assertive and credible communication?

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Unmasking the Impostor Syndrome

When you are going through the doctorate, given the great pressure you have, you usually go through several emotional stages that can affect the student's performance, so it is important to anticipate, so you can work on them and not get carried away by these situations. This is the case of Impostor Syndrome, which could be defined as the feeling that everyone knows or can handle a situation better than the person who suffers from it. This situation is exhausting, since the individual is frequently in a continuous effort so that no one discovers that he really is not worthy of the position he occupies, either in the doctorate or his work.

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Sources of inspiration for your doctoral thesis

The selection of a doctoral thesis is crucial because it defines the research on which your studies will be based. As a result, because you will be living with it for a long time, it is important that it be a topic that interests you and keeps you interested in the long run. If you are looking for ideas for your doctoral thesis, we recommend some sources of inspiration that can help you generate ideas on interesting topics that you can spin with your ideal topic.

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Why choose online doctoral studies?

Deciding on a certain study program is one of those big decisions, which supposes responsibility and attention. The studies mean great efforts, economics, and time. So it is not a decision to be taken lightly. For a few years now, online study options have been a very attractive alternative, but without a doubt, after the pandemic, our lives changed. And we begin to understand new possibilities and many things that in past situations we considered impossible to do remotely, are now part of our daily lives, and perhaps the most standard example is teleworking.

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3 Reasons Why get a Doctorate in Telecommunications

If you are thinking about getting your Doctorate major in Telecommunications, you’re reading the right article, because we will share with you many reasons to let you know that it is a great idea. Just give a look at these figures about the Telecom Market:

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15 skills projected to be most relevant by 2025

In October 2020, the World Economic Forum (WEF) published its third edition of the "Future of Jobs" report. Analyzes future trends in labor markets and provides essential information to guide employers and workers to upcoming opportunities. In this post, we will share with you the 15 skills that are considered crucial for future company collaborators. This knowledge is key when it comes to developing or working on skills in professional profiles since they will surely be in high demand in the near future, if not already.

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3 women with doctorates who have changed history

In the historical context, women's history differed from that of men. When we look at the United States, we can see that women were not allowed to pursue postgraduate studies at Yale University until 1892. Another historical moment occurred in 1920, when women were granted the right to vote in the United States.

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Prepare for a successful interview

Once the first filter is passed, indicating that our CV qualified for the round of interviews, the applicant must prepare as thoroughly as possible for an interview in which they will be able to demonstrate their skills. It is crucial to prepare for the interview. Examine the job for which you are applying. On the internet, you can find a variety of questionnaires containing the typical questions asked during a job interview. Examine them.

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3 financial tips for students

In many cases, university studies are synonymous with debt. Not only because of the university investment per se but also because you must factor in daily expenses and rent if you are studying away from home. This is why it is crucial to managing the money you have, especially if you are in the middle of your studies.

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How do I know if I am ready for a Ph.D.?

For competitive people who strive for the highest standards, studies can become a type of addiction. And, after completing college and a master's degree, the next logical step is a doctorate, but before making this decision, it's critical to consider: is this the right step for me?

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Curiosities about the 5 youngest people in history received a Doctorate

There is no ideal age to do a doctorate, since this is not a requirement, but rather, we could say that it is vocational. But it is true that most of the profiles of people with doctorates are professionals who have decided on the path of research after some experience in the labor field, for which their age exceeds 30 years.

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3 Tips to improve time management of Ph.D. students

Time is a major factor in whether or not a student succeeds or fails in his or her studies. Even more so when it comes to PhD studies, where students are already of an adult and productive age, and must often balance their studies with family, economic responsibilities, and work.

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Why get a doctorate?

If you are one of those people who is always looking for ways to excel and gain recognition, it is very likely that you will consider pursuing a doctorate to help you achieve one of your professional goals. It is important to comprehend from the start that the dropout rate for doctoral studies is quite high, with only one-third of them successfully completing their doctoral thesis.

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Main fears of doctoral students and how to overcome them

Choosing to pursue a doctorate is a major life decision that only a few people make. Statistics show that less than 1% of the world's population holds a Ph.D. A Ph.D. student's profile is unusual and demanding. They are professionals who are eager to satisfy their intellectual curiosity. With a strong desire to understand why things happen, as well as a strong capacity for analysis and vocation.

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A doctorate changes your mind, do you know why?

Choosing to pursue a doctorate is a life decision that will undoubtedly change your perspective and way of seeing things. Years of research, time invested, and sacrifice during the years of study cause you to rethink what you expect from your life on a professional and, why not, personal level.

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What does a Doctorate prepare me for professionally?

Ph.D. programs prepare students to dedicate their lives to research or to become specialized university professors in a particular subject. However, it is also true that the development of skills provided by a Doctorate program makes its former students very appealing profiles in the labor market due to their skills and abilities.

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3 tips to stand out as a post-doctorate student

When you decide to pursue a doctorate, your academic record must already be quite good, and you must have developed habits and strategies that will ensure the success of your studies. However, it is always a good idea to keep in mind some tips that will assist us in maintaining discipline and focus in times of stress.

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5 skills to look for in a high-level employee

Having a doctorate changes your work profile since the skills developed during the years of study are highly valued when companies are looking for high-level collaborators. What characteristics do employers look for in high-level candidates that are present in a Ph.D. student or graduate?

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5 things you should consider before getting a PhD

Taking a PdH is a decision full of commitment and determination, therefore, if you are considering obtaining yours, we invite you to really focus on those points that will make a difference.

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10 Reasons an Online Doctorate Degree May Be Better than a Traditional Degree

If you’re stuck debating between whether you should attend an in-person traditional university or study online, here are some reasons it may be best to learn online. Since we live in the 21st century, online education is becoming more and more commonplace - your future employer will have no problems with your online degree.

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5 Key Study Online Tips to Stay Focused and Earn Your Degree

Our study online tips will help you stay focused so you can learn and absorb material quickly and effectively. Studying online isn’t always easy since you’re always just one click away from distractions. In this post, you’ll learn how to eliminate distractions and much as possible so you can stay focused.

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